The Amayyed caliphs who reigned at Damascus from 661 to 750 did little to adva- ce the process of culture but there is some evidence that the first medical astronomic- al and alchemical translation were made during their rule . Philosophical translation must have started during this period also . With the succession of the Abbaside in 750 the capital of Muslims empires to Bagh- dad and the first known translation of Indi- an Greek works on medicine astronomy an- d mathematics date from the reign of al-ma- nsour (754-775) the second member of the dynasty . But it was al-Mansor,s greet grand son . al-Mamum (813-933) who made the m- ost systematic attempt to aquire and transl- te the chiefs works of Greek Philosophy and science.He founded at Baghdad in 980 The - House of Wisdom a centre of research and translation. It first head was the court phys- ician and scholar Yuhanaa bin mass...