

          The Amayyed caliphs who reigned at Damascus from 661 to 750 did little to adva- ce the process of culture but there is  some evidence that the first medical astronomic- al and alchemical translation  were  made during their rule . Philosophical translation must have started during this period also .           With the succession of the Abbaside in 750 the capital of Muslims empires to Bagh- dad and the first known translation of Indi- an Greek works on medicine astronomy an- d mathematics date from the reign of al-ma- nsour (754-775) the second member of the dynasty . But it was al-Mansor,s greet grand son . al-Mamum (813-933) who made the m- ost systematic attempt to aquire and transl- te the chiefs works of Greek Philosophy and science.He founded at Baghdad in 980 The - House of Wisdom a centre of research and translation. It first head was the court phys- ician and scholar Yuhanaa bin mass...


The most popular form in the Folkloric is the sirah which mean life or biogra- phy and the stories that go by this tile  recount adventures and achievement of tribal or national 🐎.           In this manners and customer of  the modern Egyptians ,Edward lane d- escribed how professional storytellers rendered three of these works ,Sirat A- ntar. Performing in the coffeehouses o- d the day the narrators would recite at a great speed and in hopes of increasi- g donations from the audience would embellishe the tales with fresh anecd- otes .In this way the tales grew into th- eir present form after hundreds of ye- ars of oral transmission.           At least on of the sirahs Bani Hal- al is still recited in the coffeehouses of North Africa. This narrative  recounts  the saga of Bani Halal ,an Arabian trib- es that migrated to Egypt and North A- frica . It focuses on the life and deeds-- of a ficti...


           Just as the ancient world from abo- out 600 B.C. , was dominated be the Gree- ks and the Romans , and the modern wor- ld has been dominated by the western eu-ropean and their offshoots in the new wo-rld , so the middle ages were dominated by the Arabs.                      The place of the Arabs in history by the influence they have exercised over its course may be assessed , in reference to three separate criteria:            First , the Arabs have made part of the map of the world indelibly their own by permanently Arabizing most of the mi- ddle east and the whole of north Africa.In these regions a total of some sixty millio- ns people speak Arabic today and call themselves Arab in one sense or another.            Seco...


       The cultural history of the Arabs begins in the seventh century, which witnessed the rise of Islam and the northward expansion of Arabs power. a power destined to dominate. a large part of the inhabited world in less than a century.        Despite the numerous political and theological tensions, the Arabs were able throughout. a period extending from the downfall of the Persian and Byzantine empires in the seventh century to the almost the whole of ancient learning, to integrate it into their own cultural life, and to raise the level of the knowledge in the field of mathematics , medicine, astrono-my and philosophy to unprecedented hei-ghts .                  The conquest of the Near East by Al_ exander the Great in the fourth century B. C. and in particular the founding of Alex2a-ander in 332 B.C., set the stage for the eastward migratio...

مزاد عراف اليمامه .....للكاتب محمد سالم مطبق

ذات يوم كان يوم كالخميس بينما كنت اهدد دون صوت اوحسيس بينما الناس امامي مثل أسراب الذباب بينما الانياب حولي مثل أنياب الذئاب بينما صاح المنادي هاتفا يامؤمنين إقبلوا هذ...

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رحلة سائح في اليمن......للكاتب والشاعر والاديب محمد سالم البيضاني

ذات يوم اذكر الآن كان يوم الخميس بينما كنت اغني كلماتي دون صوت أو حسيس بينما كنت اهدد خمس أعوام تولت بين أشباه المجوس بينما كنت اسآل نفسي أي سر قد راه الرب في جعلي أحياء بين ...